The World’s Most Luxurious Private Jet Is a Yacht for the Sky...*

If there were such a thing as a yacht for the sky, the new (and aptly titled) Skyacht One would be it. This luxurious private jet was inspired by just that, a custom yacht from the 1930s, as it boasts over 4,000 cubic feet of cabin space. The main cabin features a massive sofa, an expansive cocktail bar and a large television for entertainment. The master suite has virtually every necessity you would find in a bedroom, including a bed, bathroom and shower. And if you’re looking to do a little business while you’re up in the clouds, Skyacht has a conference room as well...*

The interior is highlighted by rich mahogany and supple leather detailing, as well as control panels being constructed from fine metals and jewels and custom hardware for a personalized touch. The intelligent lighting system in turn automatically changes colors to coincide with the nautical-themed SkyPorts that run throughout the cabin...*


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