Black Holes & Revelations...*

New Haus Of Hell* 2015...
...& now BOOKS...
...the Tags that have accompanied us during 2014...
"Today"...a work of art chosen to mark the day...
"Skulls Addicted"...slaves of skulls, skeletons, bones...
"Art in Thoughts & Words"...a work of art chosen to express a thought...
"Pics of the Week"...7 photos for each day of the week... Tags that will accompany us during the 2015...
"MiscHellaneous"...a mix between real life...and virtual...
"Throwback"...return from the past...
"Outstanding"...designed to stand out...
"Stunning"...born to live on the red carpet and on the magazine...
"Unapologetic"...simply my
...and much more...*
